Thursday, September 23, 2010

New ideas, old habits

idea for online blog/website/portfolio/history/book/biography/thing...
(update on personal life, get ppl to know ME for ME get in volved with the media!)

Basically I feel the need unique need to share my personal life. My entire life, i have been told that i have an "aggressive, intense, rough around the edges" type of personality. But, then i get some ppl who say they connect with me on THAT level. (ya know?... man?...) So, im going to find my one place i will pretend no one will ever read and maybe one day if im ever rich and famous and ppl dont understand my natural thinking process then... god save me and they look back at on all this crap! woohoo!  I know my near future professional life is going to based on the 'get out there' personality and ive began to grow into that sense some what already in the short few weeks i have beeen a civilian again. (real time being september, 2010). Im doing much better than i was about 6 -8 months ago. Basically during that time i was receiving no paid dues from the marine corps cuz well lets just say i tried something that didnt work and it bit me in the ass.  Thats beside the point around this time was the 5 years of my marine corps career, my marriage, short anulment, bankruptcy, dirtbikes, rolled trucks, shotgun weddings and hollywood lifestyles but, hey! ill get into that later..."im 23, and i have a 100 year old story."

So first topic... Lets put a "somewhat" END to a haunting addiction... WoW... world of warcraft.
I am retiring poor "Riotchild" the bear tank that lead the guild himself along side with "Swampdonkey" back in the "day" of the "corps". With him, will be "zombiesoup"... my beloved priest and "Warcrest" my legendary warrior that has been through everything with me thick and then. I've moved everything over to the "clamsoup" character, who will be taking over the spotlight as a less "needy character" in the game to over compensate school hours, he's my little rogue i've always had that was kind of an owner slut between me and Jay for a while. :-)Which by the way, if you were apart of the old dear "deep" roots (which actually is still like 5 generations of "old school" in my wow history haha) But, in this case you would know me as the "zeekster" (which in real world time was around january 2010 - june 2010).

I should know by the end of this week if im accepted to the art institute of seattles audio design technologies program.... which is what kinda inspired me to do this in the first place. GO ME!

note: listening to this new style of music, an artist named "andy mckee" its hitting me right at the core of my heart, kinda tip toein on the that thing wiring line of shedding a tear and gasping for air. It's a beautiful acoustic guitar. No singing, just guitar... amazing.

Date: thursday, sep 23, 2010 @ 0359